Art Classes End With Positive Experiences

Art Classes End With Positive Experiences

Anavi Prakash, Reporter

The end of January comes around with a very important week: finals. While most ‘core’ subjects call it a day with a pencil-paper test, art classes use project presentations to showcase their skills. 

Art exams, this year “…are a portfolio presentation of the work they [students] completed throughout the semester and what they learned. The only difference is that the presentations will be delivered virtually over zoom,” said Mr. Ribbeck, one of the Bay art teachers. 

According to Mr. Ribbeck, although “art classes have had to remove some content from the curriculum due to time constraints, student technology available, and practicality of using certain materials at home…in general classes are able to function as normal. Just at a smaller scale.” This benefits students in both modalities because unlike the ability of other classes, “virtual students do everything that in-person students do… [they] are required to come and pick up needed supplies from the school on a periodic basis.”

Sophomore Eleanor Brieske, who chose 3D art this semester, found herself at ease with the class because “…even while fully virtual, the teachers have been very helpful with adjusting to students’ needs. For example, I have had supplies dropped off/picked up from my house.” In terms of the final exam, she said “Preparing for the final in art class is very approachable, all we had to do was create a final art project along with a slideshow.”

Through the flexibility of the class, art classes were enjoyable for many. Senior Mary Oates, an AP Art student, said “…being hybrid was pretty weird, but Mr. T was really good at making sure students got the supplies and extensions they needed to be successful. It was still a fun class and I feel that while communication was sometimes difficult it was still a good experience.” Sophomore Keelin Meaney, who was in Video Production/Animation this semester agreed, as animation was “…easy to do virtually because all the stuff I need is online.” She continued, “It was more asynchronous as it went along but it wasn’t hard to juggle,” allowing for her to have a positive experience. 

However, for some, the experience could have been better. Senior Ingrid Stollenwork said “As a fully virtual student I personally had a harder time with this [ceramics] class because I had to do it all from home in my basement, alone, so I didn’t get the motivation or inspiration of the people around me while working. I was looking forward to taking this class because I wanted to learn a new skill while also having a mental break in the middle of my school day but I ended up having it first period so it mostly turned into a procrastination game.” However, things ended up okay, as “Despite my struggles, Mr. T was always great about being there to answer any questions that I had and to help in any way that he could. I still enjoyed taking this class.”

Through art class modifications, several students have flourished during a back and forth in and out of virtual learning. After the final, next semester’s students will get the same experience and opportunity, hopefully having the same success.